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Have you heard of Multi-User Dungeons

Have you heard of Multi-User Dungeons-cover-image
Photo by: Hao Zhang -

I just read about Multi-User Dungeons or MUD's for short. It seems like a mix of D&D and a text-based codified rules system that people can leverage to create their own worlds and games.

I have tried two Sindome and Aardwolf, both very different.

From their site, Sindome is "an online text-based Cyberpunk Role-Playing game (RPG) inspired by Neuromancer, Judge Dredd, and more. You play online in real-time with other people. You'll develop a unique character with a past, thoughts, dreams, and secrets." It was an interesting experience, everyone I talked to was super nice, and everyone plays the role of their character like really gets into it, to the point of typing out accents. There are very few things that you are allowed to do OOC, out of character, and you are role-playing the whole time. I talked, walked around, sold some drugs, and delivered some packages. It was pretty cool. To get a job in the game you have to create a history for your character which outlines when you were born where you are from and what makes you, you. That's as far as I got.

The next one, Aardwolf, was more what I was expecting. From their site "Aardwolf RPG is a unique and free text-based roleplaying game. Aardwolf is based in the fantasy world of Andolor where magic is common and there are hundreds of exotic realms to explore, puzzles to solve, and quests to complete. Aardwolf features a realistic game world with multiple continents and real geography. Each area includes a real-time line-of-sight overhead map to see other characters and points of interest around you." You make a character, I made a Paladin, and then you go to the academy where you immediately learn a bunch of stuff about the game and quickly can cast spells, kill monsters, and level up.

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